Wednesday, December 21, 2005

And after six days Jesus took with him Peter and James and John, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. And he was transfigured before them Mark 9:2

This is just one example of how Jesus kept Peter, James and John close to him. Did this mean that he loved the other disciples any less? No. But for some reason, Jesus called these three to a deeper and closer relationship to himself. Why? I can't say for sure although I could speculate for hours. The simple answer is this: It's the way the Lord wanted it.

Tonight, Mary and I went to hear my brother preach. I've heard him before and I am very proud of him and what the Lord has done in his life. Joel has a wonderful testimony. He says that there was a time when he was ashamed of his testimony and this was the reason that he fought his calling for such a long time. He didn't feel worthy. He finally realized that God wanted him to use his testimony to demonstrate how God can change a life. The worse he was before (the more truthful he is about his past), the more Christ is glorified in what he has become today. By exposing his own shame, he is exposing Christ's glory.

Of all the disciples, Peter James and John were the toughest cases. Once when passing through a village in Samaria, James and John suggested that they call fire down from heaven to consume the ungrateful city. They struggled with impulsive anger. Jesus nicknamed them the "sons of thunder". The Lord found thier imperfections almost humerous. I don't think it was actually the imperfections that humored him; I think it was the irony in what he knew they were to become.

No disciple was rebuked by the Lord more than Peter. So logically, he was the one that the Lord would choose to lead this rabble once he was gone. I believe that God loves the shock effect. It's what brings the most glory to his name. What about the rest of 'em. Jesus couldn't go with the priest's. It had to be ignorant fishermen and tax collectors. Lord, I thank you for devine irony.

Lord, help me to never forget what I was! Every time I get caught up into works, he reminds me of his grace. Thanks for the balence Lord. If I love you, I'll keep your comandments but never let me forget the basics:

And to the one who does not work but trusts him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness Romans 4:5

I serve you because I love you. You've already proved to me you love me and neither height, nor depth, nor any other creature; angels principalities, powers, things present or things to come will ever take that away from me.

Yes, like Peter, James and John; you've called me to a different type of relationship with you than some other Christians; not that I deserve it but be it according to your good pleasure. Help me to always know that they too are your disciples. Help me to be a Peter and stregnthen the brethren.

oh yeah!, I love Mary Thomas


Mary said...

I love you, John Ensor. And I think "Mary Ensor" sounds pretty nice. If I was to be honest, I'd admit that I wrote "Mary Ensor" on my notebook paper several times in a class some time shortly after that day I fell in love with you. But I don't believe in being honest, so ... um ... I didn't really do that.

Mary said...

Johnny, God has drawn you into a special relationship with Himself. I was thinking the other night after Joel preached, that you have a remarkable insight into God's Word. Your insight and sensitivity to His Word allows me to have a special respect for you that I wouldn't have been able to have otherwise. I can't manufacture feelings of respect for a person out of thin air. I can manufacture respectful actions toward a person, but I cannot cause myself to feel respect for a person. When I feel respect for a person, it is because his qualities are respect-worthy. I thank God that He gave you the special gifts that you have. I love you Johnny.