Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Fourth Watch of the Night...

[Mark 6:45-52]

V45: Jesus constrained his disciples to make a trip across the lake without him. Constrained means that they didn't want to go without him; they had to be practically forced! Obedience means that sometimes we're not going to feel his presence or specific guidence every step of the way. However, if we've been sent, we must obey and trust that if we veer from his intentions; he'll let us know and give us direction at just the moment we need it.
v47: Even when it seems that he is not in the boat with us, he's always watching.
v48-9: Jesus saw them toiling. The wind was contrary to them. It feels that way sometimes in any type of ministry. Ministry itself can be very preoccupying. If we're only looking at the sea; it can become overwhelming as we concieve through our own logic what the best action is to take. Jesus knew that they needed to be reminded of who he was; So he walked on the sea BUT would have walked past them had they not cried out. The balence is clear. We do not need to have His direction on every move we make, but we do need to keep our eyes open and not let him pass when does offer direction. Seek his direction at all times, but do not let silence stop you.
v51-2: Never forget what God has done in the past. He has never let you down and will not start now.