Saturday, August 19, 2006

I wrote this in my study notes on e-sword for Genises 1:3

The first words spoken by God were' "Let there be light." Compare with John 1:4. Note that it was not until the 4th day that God created the sun, moon and stars. His light was present before; maybe physically, maybe spiritually or maybe both. John 1:9 states that the TRUE light lights every one who comes into the world. If Christ is the true light, then we must regard physical light as only reflective of God's light. See John 12:35-6. The light spoken of in verse 3 is not the sun, moon or stars. It is the revelation of God to the world. Christ is mankind's experience of God. This doesn't mean that Christ was created in verse three. It means that the function of his nature within the God head is to begin here. Christ is man's divine introduction to the express image of God where otherwise God could not be experienced. John 1:18 says that no one has seen God at any time, the only begotten of the father has declared him. We know that many saw God. Adam, Abraham, Jacob, Moses etc. They saw Christ. This happened because of God's commandment in verse 3: "Let there be Light"
This is proved in the last chapter of the Bible.

And night will be no more. They will need no light of lamp or sun, for the Lord God will be their light, and they will reign forever and ever. Rev. 22:5