Thursday, September 15, 2005

FISHING (Not for Bass)

Luke 5:2-11

I think too many times I've been just like the fishermen in verse 2. I'm ready to give up so I bring the boat back to shore and get out and just start washing my nets. Then my own personal verse 3 comes and I have to make a decision. Jesus gets into my boat and tells me to go back out into the water. Yes, I normally obey if I'm listening; if I can hear the voice of the Spirit over my own complaints and grumblings while washing my net. I'm glad Peter heard. He obeyed the voice of the Lord so that the Lord could have better access to teach the people. So many times we are disobedient because we can't see how obeying this voice is going to advance our goals or the goals we think God has set for us. When it doesn't make any sense we conclude that it can't be the Holy Spirit. How selfish! Peter's obedience led to the word being preached to other people. It didn't matter what Peter would get out of this deal; he was only to obey. Once Peter(who had obviously spent the whole day on the lake and probably just wanted to get home) waited patiently till Jesus was done, Jesus decided to bless him. In verse 4, Jesus told Peter to "launch out into the deep, and let down your net for the catch." Many people are afraid to step out of the boat. Some are willing to step out of the boat but they want to just splash around in shallow water. Jesus told Peter to launch out into the DEEP. We half-do things because we're testing God. "I'll try this and if it works, I'll do a little more." God wants us to go all out and take a leap. He wants us to bet everything on him and his word. He wants us to launch out into the deep. If you're called to be a missionary; it is true you'll win some to Christ here by witnessing. One here, one there. But when you finally say the heck with it and you go to the place you're supposed to, God will give you the catching that he wants to give you. Same with everything else. If you're called to be a pastor, don't settle for teacher or preacher. If you are a couple and God has told you to adopt a child, don't settle for becoming a sponsor or pen-pal, adopt. Launch out into the deep. No one could say it better than Peter in verse 5. When the Spirit speaks to us, no matter how crazy it seems, we must just do it; "nevertheless at your word, I will let down the net."
Verse 6 is the repercussion of being crazy. God wants to give us a catching so great that our churches can't hold the number of souls he wants to save. The only thing standing between us and the catching is fear. Verse 7 tells us that the fishermen had to signal thier partners to help. There is no room for compitition in the Lord's service. We are a team and we are all in it together. Verses 8-10 tell us about the astonishment of all the people who witnessed this miracle.
verse 5: "we have toiled all night and have taken nothing."
verse 9: ...he was astonished,...
From hoplessness to astonishment; all because of obedience.
Verse 11: ..they forsook all and followed him. Have we really forsook all and followed him? Many of us havn't even reached the obedience part yet.

Let's think about it..

Peace from yesterday, today and forever

John(not the Apostle)